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What’s the Best Toothbrush For Gum Disease?

Gum Bleeding Treatment ( Gum Disease)

· dentistry

A building is only as strong as its foundation. No matter how strong or beautiful a building is, if the base is not strong, it’s not worth anything. Just like that your gums are the foundations of your teeth. If your gums are not strong, your teeth will not be able to survive no matter how attractive they look. Having the right toothbrush can make all the difference towards achieving a beautiful smile. Dubai Gum Bleeding treatment along with the right tools can save you from almost all oral problems.

Maintaining a proper oral hygiene takes more than just using an ordinary brush to rub your teeth with. However, using the right toothbrush after a gum bleeding treatment can help you maintain good oral hygiene. Read on to learn more about how you can support your gum line with the right tools in hand.

What is Gum Disease?

It’s an infection of the tissue that holds the teeth in place. The main cause of this particular disease is poor brushing habits along with poor oral hygiene. A toothbrush that is not well equipped to your needs can also be a factor behind excess plaque build up. Excess plaque and tartar makes room for the infectious bacteria to cause this type of infection.

Most common symptoms of this problem include painful chewing, bleeding gums while brushing, and discoloured gums. If left untreated, periodontal gum disease can lead to more severe gum problems. It can even lead to periodontitis (severe tooth infections) that can cause tooth loss.

Causes of Gingivitis

Smoking is by far the biggest cause of this gum bleeding problem. Smoking can even interfere with the gum bleeding treatment and slow down it’s progress. Other cause include:

  1. Using a toothbrush that is not well equipped

  2. Hormonal change and diabetes can directly affect your gums

  3. Poor overall oral hygiene with no flossing habits

  4. Broken or crooked teeth that provides place for bacteria to nourish

  5. Nutritional deficiencies including calcium deficiency can lead to this problem

  6. Some prescription medicine can also interfere with gums healing

teeth brushing

Symptoms of Periodontal Gum Disease

It’s never a good practice to ignore this problem. Rush to your dentist if you experience any of the following symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms that can indicate gum bleeding problem include

  • Pain while chewing

  • Bleeding gums that are swollen

  • A persistent bad breath that doesn't go away

  • Teeth that appear longer than usual

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages

  • Gums that are receding away from their position

  • Teeth that are loose and tend to move away from the gums

Brushing - The Right Way (6- Step Procedure)

First step towards brushing the right way is getting the best toothbrush for gum disease. A brush that is not well equipped to your needs can never provide you with good cleaning.

  • First step is to get the right tools

  • Second step is to ensure you brush in circles and not sideways

  • Third step includes cleaning the inside of the teeth and gums

  • Step four involves cleaning your tongue. Cleaning your tongue is as important as cleaning your teeth

  • Rinse your mouth to get rid of all the plaque and tartar removed by brushing

  • Last and final step is to repeat these steps once again or until you are satisfied

Important thing is to be very gentle with your teeth in the whole process. Pressing hard onto your teeth can misplace them or cause bleeding gums problem.

Choosing the Best Toothbrush for Gum Disease

  1. Soft Bristles

Unlike what many people think, the bristles of the brush should be very soft and not hard. Hard bristles do not provide better cleaning and can even hurt your gums and teeth. A brush with soft bristles can easily bend to get under the gums and between the teeth. A brush with soft bristles can also easily clean the back and top side of your teeth.

  1. Suitable Size

The shape of the toothbrush doesn't really matter, what matters is, the size of it’s head. A toothbrush head that is for a child and for an adult would be very different, however looking for a toothbrush with a small head is better. Small headed toothbrushes are the ideal ones, because they can reach almost everywhere inside your mouth .

For most adults a toothbrush that is ½ inch wide with a 1 inch tall head is an ideal choice. A smaller one will be suitable for children and teens.

  1. Flexible Long Handle

A good toothbrush should have a long and flexible handle. This flexibility allows you to gently care for your gums. The grip also plays an important role in cleaning your teeth. A flexible toothbrush with a long handle is ideal for you if you are faced with a gum bleeding problem.

If you use a toothbrush that is flexible it will feel more comfortable and improves your ability to care for your oral health. The feeling of well being can enhance the cleaning practice.

  1. Manual or Electric - Choose What Suits You

Powered toothbrushes were said to be a lazy man’s tool from brushing, but with constant innovation and development these are a worthy option to choose from. They maybe expensive but they can give you a top of the line brushing experience

Some of their benefits includes:

  1. Perfect round motion that is very difficult to manually achieve

  2. 3 types of heads for cleaning of molars, front side and back side of the teeth

  3. A custom made toothbrush head to gently clean your gums

  4. A pressure sensor to let you know when you are pressing too hard on your teeth

  5. Perfectly removes tartar and plaque for a healthy oral care

With this type of brushes in hand you can look to get the perfect oral care without putting in some great effort.